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These beautiful dream catchers come from a little town 24 km. to the west of Tulum called Francisco Uh May. All of them made by our artisan friend Lidia.


Sometimes referred to as "Sacred Loops", dreamcatchers were traditionally used as talismans to protect sleeping people, usually children, from bad dreams and nightmares. Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams, both good and bad.

When dreamcatchers are hung above the bed in a place where the morning sunlight can hit it, the dream catcher attracts and catches all sorts of dreams and thoughts into its webs. Good dreams pass through and gently slide down the feathers to comfort the sleeper below. Bad dreams, however, are caught up in its protective net and destroyed, burned up in the light of day.


Material: Wood loop, cottong thread.


Measurements: Diameter: 41 cm.

Length from wood loop to last tassel: 90 cm.

Dreamcatchers - Uh May

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